I have chosen to write about Cuba, I feel that Cuba has many
interesting views and opinions towards America and much of the everyday Cuban
lifestyle is focused on not being influenced by American, American trends and
the American way of life. I was fortunate enough to visit Cuba this summer, so
I was able to experience this and when speaking to local Cubans it is obvious
the traditions and Cuban way of life is something they want to remain kept
untouched, they do not want to be effected by Americanisation!
When visiting Cuba one of the things is noticed was it was virtually
impossible to buy any kind of American produce and products, it was very rare
to find the brand ‘Coke’ on the island. Cuban alternatives of these brands were
apparent though! Cuba is one of the countries which remain untouched for years.
When you step out of the airport in Havana is it is like stepping back in time,
with old fashioned cars and little technology, there is also very limited Wifi
on the island something which is very uncommon in today’s society. Cuban crisis
was the main reason Cuba and America have conflict issues today. The Cuban missile
crisis’s, left America suspecting Cuba was in the Soviet Union and therefore
resulted in many issues which are apparent today between Cuba and America. Cuba
does not import any produce from America and America encouraged all of South
America, Central America and Europe to break the trade with Cuba. Cuban
policies differ a lot from American policies, for example, Cuban citizens do not
have to pay to go to University, they also pay taxes but in these taxes
national health is included.
Americans have only just been legally aloud to visit Cuba,
due to the appeal made by Barack Obama. However there are still some rules and regulations
American citizens have to abide by in order to visit Cuba. Americans have to
include their visit with a cultural trip, they are not allowed to organise
trips on their own. It is also illegal for American’s to take some Cuban
produce home. Cuban citizens believe allowing Americans to visit Cuba is a
positive effect, as they want to redevelop the relationship they once had with
Cuba. With the increase in American travel to Cuba, Cuba’s economy has been increased,
through tourism providing the citizens of Cuba with more income. The increase
of tourist based business has also increased due to this. However Cuban’s
believe this is still only one small step, to resolving this issues and
problems shared by America and Cuba.
The following website is a Cuban website containing information
about the Cuban Five.They are a group of men who were wrongly accused of spying on American Cuban exile community, the Cuban five missions was to report on terrorist attacks in the US and to attempt to prevent them and protect Cuba. They were arrested in 1998 and convicted in 2001. Miami Journalists were paid to sway US American opinions on the Cuban Five.
The website provides information and data from America, with
information and news on the Cuban Five however since it is a Cuban website the information
is biasly selected from the Cuban point of view and showing how the Cubans felt
towards the matter. Many Americans were unaware that the Cubans too had suffered
from terrorist attacks also; I believe this shows how America is very self
focused. Cuba has been suffering from terrorist attacks from Miami for over
fifty years now, this is extremely sad as the main reason the Cuban five were
in Miami was to prevent terrorism. However after the devastating news which hit
American on September 11th 2001, Americans became more aware of the
possible chances of being attacked by terrorist, and therefore this could have
lead them to dislike the Cuban five even more since they were believed to be terrorists
at they were seen as a threat much like when Cuba was accused of being part of
the Soviet Union.
Although the website is a Cuban website so the information is
carefully selected in order to show how the Cuban citizens felt, some of the
statements made in the Washington Post, an article posted on the website contains
information which supports the release of the Cuban Five. For example the statement
given by Ramsey Clark, expresses a positive view as to why the Cuban five
should be released.
I believe this website is very effective in providing information
on the Cuban five and portraying how the citizens for Cuba view America. These views
are then supported by additional background knowledge of the county and some of
the laws and policies put in place in order to prevent Cuba from being affected
by Americanisation. After researching this I personally feel somewhat sympatric
towards Cuba and feel I have more of an understanding as to why Cuba have
certain attitudes towards America. It is very rare for a country to not be
affected by the influences of America and to some extent Cuba may be swaying
towards influences of America more and more in today’s modern society, as maybe
it is almost impossibly not to be influenced by such a powerful country,
especially since Cuba is only 90 miles away from Florida!
Here are some YouTube videos which help explain some of
Cuba’s Attitudes towards America;
What the source of the first video? What's "RT"?